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orion ascent

What an incredible week in Orlando! Our team produced an event that brought together over 1,500 financial advisors, broker-dealers, firm leaders, and fintech experts to talk about the future of the financial industry.

The event has become so successful, they have moved from producing it every other year, to holding it yearly. Orion is a growing company on the move, and we are thrilled to help them succeed and thrive.

The “Ascent” event was designed to create an environment that fosters collaboration, creativity, and innovation. Orion is helping advisors succeed and scale. They help fintech professionals serve their clients by developing and implementing winning strategies and technology.

Our keynote speakers were exactly on point to their objectives, providing attendees with valuable insights into the latest trends and challenges facing the fintech industry. We also hosted a series of interactive workshops and panels that provided actionable advice for our audience.

But it wasn't all work and no play! In addition to the super-fun evening entertainment, we brought in a duo of magicians who performed digital magic with phones. Our tech-savvy attendees were amazed and amused.

We also made sure to create plenty of opportunities for attendees to connect and build relationships with their peers. From evening receptions to networking breaks and social events, our guests had a chance to unwind and have some fun while forging invaluable connections.

The event was a resounding success that exceeded our expectations.

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